Elgon Bible Study Department
Saturday, 20 May 2023
And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of his father David, except that he sacrificed and burned incense at the high places.
It's wisdom not to remove the ancient landmarks but it's also not expedient to stop and settle at what was already accomplished.
In our theme scripture we see King Solomon walking in the statutes of his father but he went an extra mile and he did something which was not done by David. The bible tells us that except that he sacrificed and burned incense.
There's a thing you can do which is not done before and that thing will provoke God to be moved and give you a blank check.
Ap Paul says that he labored more abundantly than they all, but this is a place where you compete with the old you so that you maybe better than what you were yesterday, not you being better than anyone. It's because fulfilling your divine purpose is more important than working alot whose end is vanity.
When your in an organization, a mission team or anywhere and you succeed someone it's not your place to do much in order to be better than that person who was before you because they ran their race. But instead it's that you labor more because you understand the principal that *it's from glory to glory; John 14:12
We labor more because we want to fulfill what's written about us and receive the price ahead of us not being better than anyone or proving anything.
It's wisdom not to remove the ancient landmarks but it's also not expedient to stop and settle at what was already accomplished because you have to finish your race and fulfill what's written about you but not instead working to be or accomplish better than those who were before you.
Further Study
✓ 1 Cor 15:10-11 NKJV
✓ 1 Thess 4:11 ESV
Lord God I thank You for our daily bread, I receive this Truth and I believe that it has come with it's power to cause me walk in it. Not to settle for less but to be the better me for the glory of God Amen
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