Saturday 10th June, 2023
Elgon Bible Study Department
1 Corinthians 9:27(KJV)
But I keep under my body, and bring it subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
It is possible that a man can be doing something yet he be beating up the air and missing up on what he/she is supposed to get as a prize.
This comes as a lack of self discipline and being unintentional about that which he is doing or God is doing.
Whenever somebody lacks self discipline, he looses focus on that which he is doing and begins to come up with excuses when he has failed in the race or has missed on the prize.
As a new creation, God has given us the power to tame and train our body and subject it to that which the Spirit requires..... that's why Paul says in our theme scripture that I beat up my body and put it under subjection so that it conforms to the spiritual requirements of the Word or what God is doing.
So you can train up your body child of God because you have the spirit of self control to direct your steps as far as self discipline is concerned.
That is why you can now pray, fast, study the word, and do many other spiritual activities without finding any resistance against them because you have made the power of flesh that lust against the spirit to weakened down
Loving father thank you for this word and for your Spirit who is giving me life to mortal body by empowering me during this course of self discipline. In Jesus Name Amen.
Romans 8:11(AMP)
2Timthy 4:7-8(KJV)
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