Bible study department
Friday, 6th October 2023
Romans 12:1 AMP
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship
As we approach any place of worship or any alter as a child of God, you must be ready to burn and offer an aroma of worship to God.
The times when animals were offered as sacrifices, they were first examined wether they were without Blemish. But God is asking us to be holy, devoted, consecrated and well pleasing to Him as a sacrifice of worship before He can burn because He is the Fire.
Sometimes one may wonder, to burn how; As a church of Christ [Body Of Christ] We must be Instruments and utensils for his manifestation to this world so as He uses us.
God can only use you perfectly if you are burnt/dead to yourself.
On the other hand, burning of any sacrifice is limited by ''too much Fats'' which are the spiritual weights that offer a bad aroma to God.
As we approach our personal and group alters, we have to lay aside any 'fat'/works of the flesh /carnal man and allow God to make us to what he wants.
One maybe ready to burn but you don't because of the spiritual weights, it may take you long to be made/refined/get burnt
For me to be a living sacrifice, I must Lay aside any spiritual fat in order to burn and offer a sweet aroma to God.
Because the sacrifice is no longer for the remission of sins but of worship.
Further study
Hebrews 12:29
Leviticus 4:31-35
Father I thank you for your word, I choose to be the best sacrifice of worship before you at my alter as you say in your word. Remove any fat that makes me offer a bad aroma to you. in Jesus' Mighty Name. AMEN
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