ELGON MISSION TEAM DAILY DEVOTIONS Bible study department Monday 1st January 2024 1 John 4:19 KJV We love Him, because He first loved us. WE ARE ALREADY LOVED It is very easy for someone to tell you they love you and you hear them. Though it takes one's heart to know that they truly love you. The scripture is telling us that God loved us before we even thought of being in this flesh. For your own information, man in the flesh completely failed to accomplish the law of love as commanded to the children of Israel. But we see God telling us by Evangelist John How He loved us even before telling us to love Him with all our hearts, soul and mind. ✍️ God manifests in the form of Love to win man who had failed to Love; Therefore when you receive this God-Life, you receive the Love of God and are able to Love with the God kind of Love - Agape . And this is the only way man finds all their purpose in God. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY Colossians 3:14 [TPT] 1 John 4:...