Bible study department
Monday 22nd January 2024
Matthew 9:37-38[NKJV]
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
Many times when we happen to get onto this scripture it's very easy to say it in context,but when it comes to it's actual interpretation;
Jesus was telling His disciples that they have to just ask/pray to the Lord OF THE HARVEST to send more labourers;
This doesn't mean there were no labourers but rather the ones that were there currently could not be able to get into every remote area for even the last bit of the harvest.
This is why He comes in Chapter 28:18 He let's them know that all the exousia which is a form of power has been given to him and He also delegated it to the disciples to make disciples not just converts;
This is because we are participating in the will of the Lord to make more labourers; This does not stop at getting a convert bit within the short time of interaction you have with that person,
Can he also speak the same words or just similar words to another person and win them for Christ?
This can only be possible if what you are preaching is the Word of truth that gives Faith and grace to the hearers; Stirring their spirits in the same truth to become part of the LABOURERS. Hallelujah!
Matthew 28:18-19 [KJV]
Loving Father I thank you for your word, Thank you because you have made me a potential labourer, I thank you for your grace in Jesus'Mighty Name AMEN
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