ELGON MISSION TEAM ~ DEVOTION Bible study department Wednesday 29th November, 2023 Philippians 4:4 AMP Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice! REJOICE IN THE LORD To rejoice is a call to joy and often used as a salutation. Sometimes, Jesus would walk into a room and immediately call people to joy. Joy is more than just happiness. In all circumstances, regardless of what is taking place on the outside, we ought to rejoice always in the Lord. This rejoicing comes because of the assurance that we have in Christ, about what He has said and promised. This provokes positiveness even in challenging times because you know Him who you trusted is faithful. Our rejoicing comes when we understand and believe the word of God about us, when we cast all our cares to Him and allow Him take the lead in all things/affairs of life, knowing that he has only good plans for us. Our rejoicing comes when we understand and believe the word o...